Sunday, June 7, 2009

Kennan DeWitt, writing

Dear Blog:
I started reading Julia Cameron's, "The Right to Write"(Putnam, 1998) just for some inspiration. I enjoy writing because it keeps me grounded, in touch with my thoughts and feelings, and for the sheer recreation. I enjoy reading, writing and speaking equally, but have done very little of the first two lately. Well, there's the blog. I will keep you updated about any new found inspiration from the book. And, I will keep reading, writing and speaking.



  1. Advocacy involves constant reading, writing and speaking. Fighting for the person, organization or cause involves these skills. The more in touch we are with our clients' experience and interests and with our experience of their experience, the more effectively we can advocate for them. This involves listening, reflecting back, clarifying, writing it down, reading it later and speaking aloud toward their betterment.

  2. Being in touch with who I am helps me be in touch with who the client is and, thus, better articulate their goals.
