Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Enjoying the week, Kennan DeWitt

Stop and enjoy the week while you are experiencing the week. Sit down, take a break, actually eat lunch instead of inhaling lunch, talk to a friend about anything.

Kennan DeWitt

Blogsters: Hope you have weekend plans. If you do not, make some.

Kennan M. DeWitt, Attorney and Mental Health Advocate

Friends: The week is blasting by toward the weekend. Weekend plans are solidifying. Save some time just to relax, read a book, call a friend.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kennan DeWitt, Attorney and Mental Health Advocate

Celebrate Sundays.

Kennan DeWitt, Attorney and Mental Health Advocate

Dear Friends: Sundays can set the tone for the rest of the week. At the very least, have a very good Sunday evening.

Kennan M. DeWitt, Attorney and Mental Health Advocate

Friends: Today was an excellent Sunday, filled with family activities, garage projects, neighbor visiting and yogurt cones. Relaxing in the morning sun under the umbrella while the laundry swayed was perfect. Hope you had a great Sunday.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Kennan M. DeWitt, Attorney and Mental Health Advocate

Hello: Today was a productive and meaningful day.

Kennan DeWitt, Attorney

Friends: Those who are truly your friends will always be your friends. Those who were not generally show their true colors when you need their support.

Kennan Dewitt, Attorney and Mental Health Advocate

Friends: Today was a good day for two reasons. First, I had lunch with a colleague and friend who reminded me why I became an attorney and mental health advocate. Second, I acquired an additional professional credential that will open some doors and enable me to provide additional human services to my clients.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kennan M. DeWitt, Attorney and Mental Health Advocate

Friends: Today was one of those days where unpredictable, time consuming, tangents occurred.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Kennan DeWitt, Visualization

Therapeutic visualization can be forward looking or backward re-storying. In looking forward, we can imagine and experience the goal or progress toward the goal. For example, a year from now, I will be advanced in my career, or have 8 more friends, or have a better relationship with a, b or c. If you can see yourself there, you can be there.

In backward re-storying, we may experience an event in a less traumatic or more positive frame of mind, or identify some positive aspect of the experience or silverlining.

Kennan DeWitt, visualization

Friends: If you can see it, you can do it. If you can imagine yourself being somewhere, doing something, reaching a goal, short or long term, then you can arrive there. Close your eyes......, now imagine being there....., look around....., how does it feel?...., who else might be there?....., what are your thoughts?, what else are you experiencing? Now, open your eyes and ask, what do I have to do today, right now, to start in that direction?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kennan DeWitt

Friends, Travel to the western part of the state. Now that the storm is over, the weather is great.

Kennan dewitt, Attorney and Mental Health Advocate

Friends: We returned from Lake Michigan/Holland area. Floods and downed trees still riddle the area. The weather was otherwise excellent

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Kennan M. DeWitt, Attorney and Mental Health Advocate

Dear Blog:

Today, we're traveling to the Lake Michigan area for an overnight. The Sagatuc Art Fair is in full swing, but the weather may not cooperate. The stroll will be therapeutic.

Kennan DeWitt

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kennan M. DeWitt, Attorney and Mental Health Advocate

Dear Blog,
We went to the church to see a Nun about the upcoming baptism. She is a wonderful lady. This will be a continuation of our spiritual education.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Kennan M. DeWitt, Attorney and Mental Health Advocate

Dear Blog: I drove to Royal Oak today for a meeting with colleagues. I parked my car and walked 1/2 mile to the meeting just to see the downtown area again. Royal Oak has gone through a total transformation in the past 20 years. The shops, cafes, clubs, offices, condos are outstanding. The place is open, progressive and friendly. Great place to visit.

Kennan DeWitt

Monday, June 15, 2009

Kennan DeWitt, Grandpa's

Dear Blog: We had a great trip to grandpa's this past Sunday. After church, we caught a light lunch and drove to grandpa's while they slept. Grandpa cooks well and we enjoy sharing dinner with him. He says our company is therapy for him, not sure why. Anyway, we had dinner, taught the youngest to ride a bike, cleaned house and relaxed outside watering flowers. A great way to spend Sunday. It was a nice trip home as well, not too late.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Kennan DeWitt, garden therapy

We had a great family outing in the back yard. We re-planted some vegetable plants to allow for expansion. The kids ran around the yard with water bottles and wanted to help in whatever way. They also rode their bikes into the bushes and whined at each other. Nice memory, let's do it again tomorrow.

kennan dewitt

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kennan DeWitt, Thursday

Dear Blog,

We went to the church this evening to meet a Nun. She must have forgotten the appointment. Anyway, we all had a great family outing, stopped at the store, got drive thru snacks and came home for bath night. Nice evening.

kennan dewitt

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

kennan dewitt, kennan m dewitt, my son

Dear Blog: Spent some time with my high school aged son at a local restaurant. He was anticipating summer recess and what he will do with his time. I remember 30 years ago or so getting lost in the thought of summer, sleeping in, staying up half the night, a late night burger run, fire works in the park and softball in a large parking lot. My son has similar images of no regular hours, endless carpentry projects, weightlifting, and cruising around in that jeep with the loud bass speakers. As I listened to him, I smiled as that familiar, joyful and unlimited feeling of summer came back.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Kennan DeWitt

Dear Blog, Today was a productive Monday, including in-service training, client contact and the usual pile of human service paperwork. Monday is always an adjustment.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Kennan DeWitt, writing

Dear Blog:
I started reading Julia Cameron's, "The Right to Write"(Putnam, 1998) just for some inspiration. I enjoy writing because it keeps me grounded, in touch with my thoughts and feelings, and for the sheer recreation. I enjoy reading, writing and speaking equally, but have done very little of the first two lately. Well, there's the blog. I will keep you updated about any new found inspiration from the book. And, I will keep reading, writing and speaking.


Friday, June 5, 2009

kennan dewitt attorney

Legal advocacy involves articulating for and empowering others to pursue and protect their rights and interests. Advocacy occurs in many settings, formal and informal.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Kennan DeWitt, legal & mental health advocate: kennan dewitt recovery

Kennan DeWitt, legal & mental health advocate: kennan dewitt recovery

kennan dewitt recovery

A person's recovery from mental illness and/or substance abuse difficulties is an on-going process. It is characterized by changes from wellness to illness over time, sometimes within the same day. Relapses in mental health symptoms or substance use/abuse are common and part of the process.
Many people struggle with dual diagnosis concerns, mental illness and substance abuse.